Barbara Burns

Artist, Grandmother, Gamer, Oracle & Tarot Card Reader
Currently Living in the Charlotte area of North Carolina
Websites change and evolve over time. Mine changed from a large rambling personal website ... difficult to maintain or navigate ... to an organized WordPress Blog ... to this slide show of my art currently for sale online. IF interested in purchasing any of my "experimental" art pieces shown on CARA, please email me. Prices vary on my assessment of the quality :) as well as my ability to find it since I am NOT very organized these days.

SHOP: My Online Art For Sale
BLOG: Opinionated: Old Crone & Little Doggie
Experimental/Portfolio Art: Barbara-Burns

I loved OILS because of the buttery gradient effects I could achieve with them though I can no longer do traditional oil painting on canvas with large brushes due to Arthritis, Dementia and Fibromyalgia issues which also interfere with my level of productivity - BUT - nothing stops me completely for very long :) I love WATERCOLORS and INKS: India or Iridescent because they are quick drying and the patterns that emerge can be very creatively stimulating. DIGITAL PAINTING has NO fumes or brush clean-up and I can easily achieve oil painting type effects!

Painting is painting - traditional or digital require technique, attention to detail, composition, perspective, experimentation and willingness to put passion into your painting.

Wall Art to Greeting Cards to Homewares

Art Prints
I love the peace and serenity of nature. One of my goals as an artist is to inspire the awe I feel seeing a sunrise or sunset. I LOVE trees and my artwork is full of many flavors of trees .. from whimsical to surreal to realistic! When I listen to music while painting, it may be anything from country, rock n roll, instrumental harps, new age, classical or jazz to recorded sounds of nature. I am currently working on new artworks .. both traditional works and digital pieces.

Email: barbaraburnsart @ .. Copyright 1994-2024 Inclusive .. All Rights Reserved